Given the number of threats facing our planet – EMFs, extreme weather, damage to our magnetosphere, ozone layer, and more – the DPE100, DPE Shield, DPE Agriculture, and DPE Shield Agriculture have been upgraded to be much more powerful devices, which not only benefit your personal home, crops, and community, but the entire planet.
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Introduction To DPE Devices
Advanced Technology: The DPE Devices contain unique technology
Various superconductors with quantum material allow the suction and drainage of the electromagnetic hood at the speed of light.

A superconductor is a material that is able to conduct an electrical current with ZERO RESISTANCE. This brings a dramatic increase in power and range to the new generation of DPE devices.
It is generally understood and accepted that superconductivity requires very low temperatures, close to 0° Kelvin (-273° C).
Room-temperature superconductors are theorized in the scientific literature, but to our knowledge, had not yet been implemented in practice, besides in the new DPE devices.
The new DPE X Devices, created by Giovanni, contain room-temperature superconductors, making them uniquely powerful advanced technology for personal and planetary benefit.
The AT7® DPE100 X

Compared with the original DPE100, the DPE100 X is a massive upgrade.
Instead of a protected radius of 2 km of the previous DPE100 model, the DPE100 X covers a protected zone radius of up to 20km (12.4 miles)!!
This means you will provide EMF protection and more to a protected area of 126K hectares (311K acres).
These devices also extend their benefits up to 200km (124 mi) high, protecting you and your community from disturbances such as chemtrails and extreme weather, and providing a felt sense of well-being to your protected zone.
They also contribute to the restoration of Earth’s ozone layer.
To See our Full Product Brochures on DPE100 X , Click Here!
See Below for a List of Key Benefits.
– Protection from 5G and other EMF radiation, whilst mobile and wifi services keep working
– Increased health because DNA is less damaged by radiation
– Reduction of solar radiation, especially ultraviolet rays and cosmic radiation
– Drastic reduction in catastrophic weather events
– Lightning protection in the area surrounding the AT7 DPE 100 X
– Drastic reduction of electrostatic, radioactive, ultra-fine particulate and chemtrail pollution.
– Drastic reduction of seismic and volcanic events.
– Contribution to the restoration of the ozone layer in the high atmosphere
– Improving the detoxification of the ground we walk on
– Restoration of correct Schumann resonances
– Sound reduction and other interference from wind turbines
– Neutralization of radioactivity
– Fewer frosts and droughts and less damage from them

These devices are 1 meter long, with two 1-meter rods attached to the top. They weigh 12 kg, and have an expected life span of 10 years. See the DPE Device Specifications Document here to compare with the other models.
To read more about the exciting new technology implemented in the DPE100 X, click here.
This video shows how to install the DPE100 X.
The DPE Agriculture X

The DPE Agriculture X has all the same benefits as the DPE100 X with an added agricultural benefit.
And it’s much more powerful than the previous model. Previously, this device had an EMF protection zone radius of 3km (1.9 mi), with an agricultural benefit radius of 1km (.6 mi).
The extraordinary DPE Agriculture X provides you with a protected radius of 20km (12 mi)!!
This means you protect an area of 126,000 hectares (311,000 acres). This is about the size of the state of Rhode Island.
Not only this, but the agricultural benefit has been expanded from a radius of 1km to 5km (3 mi).
This will give you and your community agricultural benefits for an area of 7,800 hectares (19,400 acres)!!
To See our Full Product Brochures on DPE Agriculture X , Click Here!
See Below for a List of Key Agricultural Benefits.
Added Agricultural Benefits for DPE Agriculture X
– Increased plant health because DNA is less damaged by radiation
– Increase in storage of energy absorbed during photosynthesis or total chlorophyll concentration – the leaves will be much greener.
– Drastic reduction in catastrophic weather events that damage crops
– Lightning protection in the area surrounding the DPE Agriculture X
– Halving the quantity of irrigation water for the benefit of greater humidity, but also halving the electricity consumption of the irrigation pumps (where used).
– Drastic reduction of electrostatic, radioactive, ultra-fine particulate and chemtrail pollution.
– Drastic reduction of seismic and volcanic events.
– Contribution to the restoration of the ozone layer in the high atmosphere
– The plants will also require fewer fertilizers and pesticides
– Insects – return of beneficial and removal of pathogenic ones
– Fewer frosts and droughts and less damage from them
– Excitingly, the DPE Agriculture X can remove Glyphosate and similar chemicals from the soil and protect your natural grains from GMO pollen contamination.
These devices are 1 meter long, with two 1-meter rods attached to the top. They weigh 12 kg, and have an expected life span of 10 years. See the DPE Device Specifications Document here to compare with the other models.
To read more about the exciting new technology implemented in the DPE Agriculture X, click here.
This video shows how to install the DPE Agriculture X.
Testimonial from Gil, DPE Agriculture
The following is a testimonial from one DPE user who has installed an earlier model of the updated DPE Agriculture X.
Gil installed his DPE Agriculture in BC, Canada in April 2024. The first thing that amazed him was that a large fruit tree his mother had planted years ago, which had never bloomed nor produced any fruit, was covered with blossoms 2 weeks after he had installed his unit.

He has also noticed that the wild Saskatoon berry bushes are loaded with blossoms this year. Gil says it’s going to be a berry good year this year!
Secondly, that week while he was seeding an oat field, his brother called him to warn him that a major thunderstorm was due to hit their area very soon, so he should head to his truck immediately. Gil, knowing that his unit would divert the storm away, continued to complete another circuit of the field before heading to his truck. The storm parted and the sun was shining. He watched the storm clouds split to circumvent his property with no damage.
As of June 14, his oat field is already 4” high.
Gil installed his DPE Agriculture next to his rhubarb and he says it’s growing like crazy. He says the stems are so thick, you could use them as a weapon!!!

Although Gil’s DPE Agriculture has some of the new technology contained in the DPE Agriculture X, we expect even more amazing results from the DPE Agriculture X.
Gil Gunter, June 2024
To read more testimonials click here.
The DPE Shield Agriculture X

Looking for an even more powerful device with agricultural benefits?
The DPE Shield Agriculture X is for you.
This model expands upon the previous DPE Shield Agriculture, which had a protection zone radius of 15km (9.3 miles) with an impressive protection zone radius of 40km (25 miles)!!
It also boasts a much wider zone radius for agricultural benefits: from 5km (3.1 miles) to 15km (9.3 miles).
This will give you a protected area of 502,700 hectares (1.24 million acres). This is roughly the size of the Grand Canyon National Park.
For your agricultural benefits, the DPE Shield Agriculture X covers about 70,500 hectares (174,500 acres).
This is truly a profound device that will create a real difference in your surrounding area, benefitting not just you but many others – plants, humans, and animals alike.
And it’s being offered at a price even lower than the previous model.
To See our Full Product Brochures on DPE Shield Agriculture X , Click Here!

Above is an image of the DPE Shield Agriculture X installed.
The advantage of the DPE Agriculture X is that once purchased, it can last over ten years without any maintenance. An additional benefit is that the more time passes, the more effective it becomes.
That being said, many have shared that they can feel a boost to their well-being almost immediately from all of these devices.
Promote a calm environment, like Marika
“I feel as though I had some “cleansing reactions” at first, but what’s most noticeable to both of us is the sense of calm and contentment. For me, despite being very aware of all the insanity transpiring around the planet, I feel calm, hopeful and, often, borderline giddy. While I can’t know for certain how much is the DPE and how much is just getting out of the city where we were living before, even my skeptical husband admits he’s quite happy we have it.”
These devices are 2 meters long, with two 1-meter rods attached to the top. They weigh 25 kg (significantly heavier than the previous model), and have an expected life span of 10 years. See the DPE Device Specifications Document here to compare with the other models.
To read more about the exciting new technology implemented in the DPE Shield Agriculture X, click here.
The DPE ZED Shield
Utilizing the latest physics and technology found in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the DPE ZED Shield is the most powerful of the DPE devices. The extraordinary DPE ZED Shield, like the other DPEs, absorbs abnormal levels of EMF and other energies from the environment.

The DPE ZED Shield has the largest environmental protection zone – in height and in radius – of the four models. It is thus ideal for community use and planetary benefit, as it powerfully assists, protects and restores our gravitational and magnetic fields, as well as the ozone layer.
The design of the DPE ZED Shield was born from the urgent need to find a solution to a runaway chain reaction triggered by geoengineering.
In the last year, these has been a dramatic increase in sudden and very often simultaneous environmental catastrophes and multiple earthquakes across the world.
The potential consequences for humanity and all life on Earth are nothing short of catastrophic.
To See our Full Product Brochures on DPE ZED Shield , Click Here!
The DPE ZED Shield has been created to address this. This document introduces the context for the DPE ZED Shield and the device itself.
The DPE ZED covers an outstanding amount of territory. It extends its protection zone to a radius of 2500km (1553 miles). This provides protection to an area of about 4.85 billion acres. And it extends 1,000km (621 miles) high.

Without any interference from mountains, the DPE ZED’s EMF Protection Zone would cover the United States of America. Allowing for the effects of cities and mountains on the effective range, we expect a practical working range of 700km (435 mi).
Although it doesn’t contain the same specific root-working technology as the Agricultural devices, it still possesses powerful agricultural benefits, with a radius extending 700km.
This will offer a gift of 154 million hectares, or, 380 million acres in environmental support to the planet.
“We must absolutely prevent the Earth from reaching the critical point where it is no longer able to receive sufficient energy to power the magnetosphere, causing it to collapse and leaving the entire planet exposed to radiation without any possibility of reducing its strength.”
Dr. Giovanni Lapadula, inventor of the DPE Devices
These devices are 2.5 meters long. They weigh 110 kg, and have an expected life span of 10 years. See the DPE Device Specifications Document here to compare with the other models.
To read more about the exciting new technology implemented in the (DPE ZED Shield), click here.
Protection From Extreme Weather
By grounding excessive energies in the environment, the DPE devices drastically reduce hurricanes, lightning strikes, torrential cloudbursts, hailstorms, & high winds – protecting your crops from increasingly frequent and extreme weather events.

This (left) shows a hurricane in Italy on July 10, 2019, with no DPE installed.
On 11 June 2019, a hailstorm with 4cm-diameter hail caused considerable damage in the villages near Lucca, except in the area where a DPE100 (an earlier model with a protection zone radius of 2km) was installed, where only rain fell.
A witness was amazed to see the circular protected area of more than 2 km-radius from the DPE100, outside of which large hailstones fell, causing damage to the entire area outside it.

Planet Earth needs our help at this time. Few yet understand the catastrophe that has been created, but it is very visible if you are aware, with an explosion in violent weather and other catastrophic events in the last year. On a planetary level, we are told that sufficient of these need to be deployed across the planet to help it recover from the deforestation humanity has inflicted, and also the threat represented by the rapidly declining magnetic field. There is growing evidence that unless we address this issue, humanity’s time on Earth may be limited.
Support your family, neighbourhood, crops, and planetary community by investing in these world-changing products.
Defend Our Planet Earth: Shop DPE Products Today
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