The DPE100 X is one of the four iterations of the Advanced Technology known as the DPE. The extraordinary DPE100 X, like its other iterations, absorbs abnormal levels of EMF and other energies from the environment.
The DPE100 X‘s protective zone is the most contained of the four models and works without the specific agricultural component seen in the DPE Agriculture X and DPE Shield Agriculture X. It is thus ideal for residential use.
See what people are saying…
“Every single winter storm has been evaded thanks to our DPE, and I believe the count is up to six or seven major storms this year!
This has been a severe year for weather here in British Columbia, Canada, and my husband is dumbfounded! He had some skepticism, but he doesn’t anymore!!!
Normally we would have had to clean the yard of many tree branches from the forest surrounding us many times already, and this year, maybe two branches in total!!! It is a miracle!!”
More Testimonials are available on
The DPE is grounded into the Earth, where it transfers excess energies from your protected zone to the Earth to be neutralized using room-temperature superconductivity. It also transmits energies that help to stabilise the biosphere and the Earth.
The DPE100 X provides an EMF protection zone radius of about 20 km (12.4 miles) and reaches approximately 200 km high (124.3 miles). This means several neighbors could share the cost.
The DPE100 X encompasses frequencies from DC to Gigahertz, except for the protected frequency of 13.4 HZ which is the frequency of Life on Earth.
This reinstates the biospheric conditions that existed on this planet 10,000 years ago.
Please visit here for further research and even more documented benefits of this extraordinary product.
- DRASTIC reduction of extreme weather events.
- Total draining of EMF harmful to health.
- REDUCTION of the incidence of pathologies related to excessive microwave radiation.
- Regeneration of the Magnetoshpere at the location of the DPE 100 X.
- Regeneration of the Ozone layer.
- Drastic reduction of earthquake size.
- Drastic reduction in radioactivity & radon gas.
- DRASTIC reduction of stress and depression due to electrostatic charges & harmful stray energies.
- Clear increase in immune defenses.
- Drastic reduction of large meteoroligal phenomena such as hurricanes, torrential cloudbursts and hailstorms with oversized hailstones.
- DRAINING total electromagnetic pollution harmful to humans and animals but not to technological devices.
- RESTORATION of the sky and air quality as before the industrial era.
The DPE devices have also been shown to clear nuclear radiation.
(Click on this link to watch)
Need more details about the DPE100 X?
Explore More Here: The DPE 100 X
Hurricane without DPE July 10, 2019, Italy.
No hurricane was able to form under a similar cloudburst with DPE.
To find your DPE store, visit: For further inquiries, email
What forms of EMF are protected from?
All sources – manmade or natural.
We are protected from the excesses of both
What is the impact of mountatins?
Mountains will reduce the range a little, though remember these have a vertical zone that is at least 200 km high.
For certainty, assume the radius of effectiveneess is reduced by about 70%. So, for the DPEIOO X, assume the protection zone is only 5 km in radius when using around mountains. Some overlap will do no harm.
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